The purpose of this adapter is to explain and show helper functionalities, modifying the DOM elements and setting event bindings.
Suppose that you create a customMessage
that offers three different payment methods in the conversationMessage
: It uses the helpers to do so, to modify the styles and bind the click event in each of the payment method images.
Finally, you set a variable with the selected payment method, and display the final message:
This adapter can be found in the Github helpers adapter adapters repository.
The configuration adapter array calls the selectPayment
function. This function uses the onDisplayChatbotMessage
subscription to interrupt the welcomeMessage
and replace it with a customAnswer
message that contains the three payment method images.
The selectPayment
function also has onReady
. You use the helpers.setListener function on the given classes:
chat.helpers.setListener('.credit_card', 'elementExists', modifyStyling,bot);
Call the modifyStyling
function when the Chat SDK detects that the credit_card
class exists. You also send the bot instance to extraData
, as you need this to remove the listener inside the modifyStyling
class: this way, the function only triggers once.
The onReady subscription also has the following setListeners
for every payment option:
paypalListener = chatbot.helpers.setListener('.paypal', 'click', clickPayment,bot);
This function is binding the event click to the given DOM element. It calls the clickPayment
function, and sends the bot instance so you can use Chat actions and helpers inside the clickPayment
On the clickPayment
function, if applicable, you send the addVariable
request with the value of the listenerID
clicked. This stores the payment
variable with the payment method that the user selected.
This adapter uses of the following actions:
to send the initial message.In addition to the actions, it also uses the following subscriptions:
set the initial helpers.setListeners, setting the new event bindings once the Chat app is ready.
to interrupt the initial message and send our customMessage
And finally the helpers functionality:
Lets you bind these two event in the given selectors:elementExists
: Used to detect when the given selector is rendered in the DOM, so you can modify the styles of this element using the modifyStyling
: Clicking calls the clickPayment
function. This allows you to detect which of the payment elements the user selected, and set a variable with the option.
This function removes the event binding with the given ID. Use this in the clickPayment
function, so that the user cannot select a different option after the first click.