
API Answer types


Depending on the user input, the bot can return four types of answers (This is different from Preset answers, for more information see API Direct Answers). Each of these answers are defined by a set of attributes and parameters.

This page is divided into three parts:

  1. Answer types describes the different types of answers and what kind of attributes they can contain.
  2. Attributes and Parameters describes in detail how to set attributes and parameters. This is illustrated with examples.
  3. Code samples provides a full code sample for each answer type.

Answer types

The four answer types are:

  • answer
    This is the generic answer type.
  • polarQuestion
    The bot returns a PolarQuestion when it requires a user interaction based on a "yes/no" answer.
    In this case, messageList contains the question to display, then displays the options available to the user.
  • multipleChoiceQuestion
    The bot returns a multipleChoiceQuestion when the user must select one of several (more than two) options based on contents.
    In this case, messageList contains the question to display, then displays the options available to the user.
  • extendedContentsAnswer
    This type of answer is specific to Federated Bot implementation. The bot returns an extendedContentsAnswer when it finds external results from the sources configured in the Federated Bot.

For a full code sample of each answer type, see the Code samples section below.

Attributes per answer type

This table describes possible attributes for each answer type. For a detailed description of attributes and their function, see the Attributes and Parameters section below.

Type answer polarQuestion multipleChoiceQuestion extendedContentAnswer
message1 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
messageList ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
options   ✔️ ✔️  
actionField ✔️      
actionFieldEvents ✔️      
parameters3 ✔️   ✔️  
flags ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
attributes ✔️      
source ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
suggestedAnswer2 ✔️      
actions2 ✔️      
subAnswers2       ✔️
intent2 ✔️ ✔️    
logId ✔️      

1 The message attribute is deprecated and indicated here for legacy reference.
2 When this attribute is not used, it is not set in the answer.
3 MultipleChoiceQuestion answer types only have parameters when they are returned as part of post-response behavior.

Parameters per answer type

The table below shows the parameters allowed in POST conversation/message for each answer type. For a detailed description of parameters and their function, see the Attributes and Parameters section below.

You can only send one parameter to the Chat API. If you send more than one, the Chat API takes the first one and ignores the others, in the following priority order:

  1. directCall
  2. option
  3. message
Message parameter

This is the general natural language user input.

Option parameter

When a set of possible options is provided to the user in a conversation, you can fill the option parameter to indicate the id of the option they can select. This parameter is only permitted immediately after the Chat returns a response that is either a multipleChoiceQuestion or a polarQuestion. After the next user interaction (e.g. an input or a click), the "option" parameter is no longer valid: Make sure the implementation does not send this parameter to the API again.

Direct Call parameter

Use this parameter to force Chat to clear the current conversation flow and retrieve a specific intent.

Type message option directCall
answer ✔️   ✔️
polarQuestion ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
multipleChoiceQuestion ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


✔️   ✔️

As a directCall breaks the current conversation flow, it is suitable for any situation.

Answer attributes and parameters

This section explains possible attributes and parameters and includes examples of implementation for each. For full answer code samples, see the Code Samples section below.


This attribute is DEPRECATED: Use "messageList" instead (see below).

This represents the main response from Chat. If the Chat API returns multiple messages, this attribute concatenates them, separated by newlines (\n).


"message": "Hello.\nHow can I help you?"

This is an array containing a set of responses from Chat.

"messageList": ["Hello", "How can I help you?"]

Default: null

This is an array of objects that represent options that the Chat offers as a response.

Schema of the options attribute when it is set:

  • value: Value to send to Chat with the "option" parameter.
  • label: User-friendly title of the option.
  • attributes*: Only when the option corresponds to a content. Array of attributes of the content, same format as the root attributes attribute.
  • revisitableLink*: Only when the option corresponds to a content, the content has a directCall name set, and the option can be revisited (option is offered out of the context of a Dialog). If the content has a directCall name set, use it in order to allow revisiting this content anytime in the conversation. You can send this value with the "directCall" parameter to POST conversation/message.
  • intent*: Only when the bot returns multiple results. For more information, see intent below.

The following attribute is DEPRECATEDUse revisitableLink instead.

  • directCall*: Only when the option corresponds to a content, the content has a directCall name set, and the option can be revisited (option is offered out of the context of a Dialog). If the content has a directCall name set, use it in order to allow revisiting this content anytime in the conversation. You can send this value with the "directCall" parameter to POST conversation/messageImportant: This attribute does not track additional context information from the results (e.g. multiple answers, related content, etc.).
Example - options are contents
"options": [
            "value": 4,
            "label": "Vegan",
            "attributes": {
                "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "Vegan meals are available for those customers who exclude from their diets all foods derived from animals, including meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, honey, eggs and dairy products and their by-products.",
                "CHECK_QUESTION": "Are you looking for information regarding our vegan meals?",
                "ANSWER_TEXT": "We supply healthy vegan meals prepared fresh by our chefs.",
                "ALTERNATIVE_TITLE": [
                      "Vegan meals on board",
                      "Vegetarian meals on board"
                "title": "Vegan meals",  /*If the related content has a directCall name set, use it in order to allow revisiting this content anytime in the conversation. You can send this value as "directCall" parameter to POST conversation/message.  */
                "inbMainTitle": "Vegan meals"
 "directCall": "VEGAN_MEALS"
            "value": 5,
            "label": "Nut-free",
            "attributes": {
                "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "While every precaution is taken when preparing nut-free meals, we can not guarantee a nut-free environment. For those traveling with severe allergic reactions, we recommend speaking with the in-flight crew upon boarding.",
                "CHECK_QUESTION": "Are you searching for info regarding nut-free meals?",
                "ANSWER_TEXT": "We supply healthy nut free meals prepared fresh by our chefs.",
                "ALTERNATIVE_TITLE": [
                    "Nut-free meals on board"
                "title": "Nut-free meals on board", /*Title that matched the user question*/
                "inbMainTitle": "Nut-free meals"
Example - options are not contents
"options": [
        "value": "yes",
        "label": "Yes"
        "value": "no",
        "label": "No"

The engine returns this information if an action field has advanced display options.

Schema of the actionField attribute when it is set:

  • fieldType: Type of variable assigned to the field. Possible values: list, datePicker.
  • disableInput: Defines whether the user input is disabled or not.
  • actionFieldID: Unique ID assigned to the action field. actionFieldEvents uses this value to update or disable action fields.
  • variableName: Name of the variable assigned to the field.
  • dataType: Data type of the variable assigned to the field (string, number, date).
  • listValues (Only when the fieldType attribute is set to "list")
    • displayType: Display type of the field (dropdown, buttons).
    • values
      • label: This is the value that the user sees.
      • option: This is the value that the system sends to capture the variable.
  • folderListHierarchy: Recursive representation of the folder hierarchy of the instance.
    • id: folder id
    • name: folder name
    • children: children folders.
      • Each item follows the same structure: id, name and children.
      • This is empty if there are no children folders.

This attribute remains empty until you publish all intents at least once to Development.

Example with list
            "actionField": {
                "fieldType": "list",
                "disableInput": true,
                "actionFieldId": "5bd6fa680970b",
                "variableName": "user_type",
                "dataType": "string",
                "listValues": {
                    "displayType": "dropdown",
                    "values": [
                            "label": [
                            "option": "standard"
                            "label": [
                            "option": "vip"
Example with datePicker
            "actionField": {
                "fieldType": "datePicker",
                "disableInput": false,
                "actionFieldId": "5c1387457c999",
                "variableName": "date_var",
                "dataType": "date"

The engine returns this key when there are events related to action events.

Schema of actionFieldEvents attribute when it is set:

  • disable: IDs of the action fields to disable.
  • updateRequestedAction: IDs of the action fields to update, changing the default method from sendMessage to addVariable.
            "actionFieldEvents": {
                "disable": [5bd6fa681350a, 5bd6fa699287c],
                "updateRequestedAction": [

Default: null

This is a set of extra parameters based on the current content. It is used only in content-based answers.



Some of the following attributes are DEPRECATED.

  • contents: always set if parameters is set
    • title: (DEPRECATED) Use attributes.title instead. This is the Title of the current content.
    • attributes: (DEPRECATED) Use root attribute attributes instead. Attributes of the content that will be displayed in the Chat sidebubble.
    • trackingCode: Always set if parameters is set.
      • clickCode: Tracking code to be send to POST tracking/events, with "click" type.
      • rateCode: Not always set. Tracking code to be send to POST tracking/events, with "rate" type.
    • related: Default: unset. Only set if current content has related contents.
      • id: Value to be send with the "option" parameter to POST conversation/message if user selects this option. Check the directCall parameter in this object to allow revisiting content.
      • title: (DEPRECATED) Use attributes.title of this same object instead.
      • revisitableLink: Default: unset. If the related content has a directCall name set, use it in order to allow revisiting this content anytime in the conversation. You can send this value with the "directCall" parameter to POST conversation/message.
      • directCall: (DEPRECATED) Default: unset. If the related content has a directCall name set, use it to allow revisiting this content anytime in the conversation. You can send this value with the "directCall" parameter to POST conversation/messageImportant: This attribute does not track additional context information from the results (e.g. multiple answers, related content, etc.). Use revisitableLink instead.
      • attributes: Same schema as root "attributes" attribute.
Example - answer without related contents
"parameters": {
        "contents": {
            "title": "Vegan meals",
            "attributes": {
                "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": [
                    "Vegan meals are available for those customers who exclude from their diets all foods derived from animals, including meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, honey, eggs and dairy products and their by-products.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n\tLight vegan meals may include quinoa or corn salads while full vegan meals might include an assortment of rice, vegetables, fruit, and salad. \n</p>"
            "trackingCode": {
                "clickCode": "eyJpdiI6InlucaStIODU1SDh1QWlYko1SzJjS1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiRVFKbkZSUXVScVVuSzdRKzY1enhTTzE3MHd1OVpCVVFZRDBMNHpzeitRR3Z0V2I1SzhQcE1nUzlFc3lwSmdsbENjbm55VnpDSmtQeUsyZ0o3S0ZhNWRJSE1UNys4aWFhOUI3REZMSVwvTUlLODZCb21taWkyT3RrQ1lySzFZNHpDc0psalJRNUdcL1FETnFYWWZPRmw2MmRcL0ZKaEwrME43YUpjUmE3NG1UQUhFPSIsIm1hYyI6IjczM2NjMzc0MTU3ZjBkZDk2ZDNjNmNmYWE2ODU4MfZhYmQwMmEyYzFiZTUxMWU5MzE5MjMxZTYzYjdlYjg3ODYifQ==",
                "rateCode": "eyJpdiI6Illxbmb44dWd4ZllRUnpL0Z5OXFvY2ZBPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IndzdGh4bEV5UzVvR3BQbXVOeDc1XC8yek1leXVOTFVrVmNpU2I1WlVWeEZ4XC9KUUlXcW54ZnFScGZsdU5nSmdEdVI5VVwvWWlXYjY3cnhNb2cyRlFIVGtCRG12bDlJdkVNTTczaXZwaVpRMmVaNm5FbkRSWXQ5YmVoYm5XcTVHMXFqdm82WjIzd2MrXC9RclN3XC9CNlBLTW1jWkhZSHJWZlwvbFM0SmdXK1FIbTJ6WT0iLCJtYWMiOiIwYmYxNTE2NDZjNmIzNjc1N2RlYzcyOGY0ODb4MjZjMTNlYzAzMDkzMjhiOWE5ZGY4NDRhNTgyYzAzNzQ3OWI0In0="
Example - answer with related content
"parameters": {
                "contents": {
                    "title": "SimpleContentWithRelated",
                    "attributes": [],
                    "trackingCode": {
                        "clickCode": "eyJpdiI6Ild1WUpcL1kyWXNCR055cWZTdGdMVTdRPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImxEVXR5ZCsyaDBsUUxvRW5PeUpseFZ5QmR2YkRtTnFrWVdYVnZjdk5taWVsVEtwNGtaSFlEa01uc2YwV0NwNExEcVwvcnZ2ZUdrbnI1Mmh5WEJ2Zm9JK1dGeXhzMWZBeDFJNk9UWVwvUExiYmN3TUZ5eFh4MVVRdmo3dmpSMkQ5MGJLTllsMzNMM3V1WlhuTWVBQk9HWCt2YjVzTEhTVGxEWHFxOEVqcVgwbnl3PSIsIm1hYyI6ImUyNjA2NjY2YTY3MjJiMjU4OThjNjFjNzVhZDNiNGY4MGFjZTkyNDRkZWQ2YzBlYjMzOTZkMjU5ZGE3NDdhYzUifQ==",
                        "rateCode": "eyJpdiI6IjhYZG1DU29TS1Q2RVU4WVRZM2FmK0E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiSUZVRWs1ZmYrTU5Rb1luMHNPQUNkeGZyTWVoOFNSM0N2QnB3Vk9WTkxEXC9FZ2J1RXlmXC9uVWtvalNJcXdIZ1A0cHhpM011NklOaW9nWnE5b3MyNDI3MmlYdU5NU1hUZmV2M2kwVFdFMEJ0VEZSMWtIQStTdHo3cXJ0bmtKVnpXaVdNZW5zRUZrK1dkUTFIXC9cL2tadnlJWUxCSHF2dlVVSG9KV21qdjVaRysxVT0iLCJtYWMiOiI0YTk1Y2M1NWNkMWRkMzhjNTBjN2M5N2NiYmE3NDgxMzE5OTQ3MjBkMGI3YTA1ODcxM2VjY2VhNTQzNWNmNmU1In0="
                    "related": {
                        "relatedTitle": "You might also be interested in: ",
                        "relatedContents": [
                                "id": "27",
                                "title": "RelatedContent1",
                                "attributes": {
                                    "ANSWER_TEXT": "RelatedContent1 text",
                                    "title": "RelatedContent1"
                                "id": "32",
                                "title": "RelatedContentWithDirectCall",
                                "attributes": {
                                    "ANSWER_TEXT": "RelatedContentWithDirectCall text",
                                    "DIRECT_CALL": "RelatedContentDirectCallName",
                                    "title": "RelatedContentWithDirectCall"
                                "directCall": "RelatedContentDirectCallName"



Default: empty array

Flags indicate when the Chat returns a preset answer (See API direct answers for a list of flags of predefined answers) as well as behavior suggestions:

  • "no-ratings" suggests to not display answer rating options to the user in the current answer. If this flag is not set, this does not mean that rate code is available: This must be always checked on the "parameters.contents.trackingCode.rateCode" attribute.
  • "obfuscate" suggests to obfuscate the next user input in the UI, because sensitive information is requested from the user.
  • "action-field-failed" only appears when a variable capture failed. It is returned in the answer that contains the capture error message.
  • "escalate" only appears when a content has the "ESCALATE" dynamic setting set to true. It is DEPRECATED if you are using the Escalation Adapter v1. It does not appear in newer instances or when you use the Escalation Adapter v2.

Default: null

If an answer is based on content, this returns a set of attributes for this content, including its title.

"attributes": {
                "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "While every precaution is taken when preparing nut-free meals, we can not guarantee a nut-free environment. For those traveling with severe allergic reactions, we recommend speaking with the in-flight crew upon boarding.",
                "CHECK_QUESTION": "Are you searching for info regarding nut-free meals?",
                "ANSWER_TEXT": "We supply healthy nut free meals prepared fresh by our chefs.",
                "ALTERNATIVE_TITLE": [
                     "Nut-free meals on board"
                "title": "Nut-free meals",
                "inbMainTitle": "Vegan meals"

Default: {"type": "chat","name": "Chat"}

This provides information about the source of the answer, based on the configuration of the Federated Bot.

  • type: Source type (chat, km, search).
  • name: Name set in Federated Bot settings to the source.

This info is notably useful in the extendedContentsAnswer answer type, because each subAnswer returns its respective source.


"source": {
        "type": "chat",
        "name": "Chat"

Default: unset

In a form, Chat uses this attribute to suggest a user response. When it asks for the value of a variable and this value is already set, the Chat returns this attribute completed.


"suggestedAnswer": ""

Default: unset

When it finishes a form where a JS Callback is set, the Chat returns an array of actions with the following schema:

  • name: Type of the action. Right now, only the "callback" value is used.
  • parameters:
    • callback: Name of the callback (set in your Chat instance).
    • data: Key-value object containing Parameter name as Key, and its value. If form has no parameters, the array remains empty.


"actions": [
        "name": "callback",
        "parameters": {
            "callback": "test",
            "data": []

Default: unset

This is an array of answers from external sources. Each answer has exactly the same schema as an answer.

Each subAnswer contains the external source.

"subAnswers": [
        "type": "answer",
        "message": "Round Metal 0RB3447 001",
        "options": null,
        "parameters": {
          "contents": {
            "title": "Round Metal 0RB3447 001",
            "attributes": {
              "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": [
                "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Material: crystal green; 
                 Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: arista; Size: 50; Color: 001"
        "flags": [],
        "attributes": {
          "ANSWER_TEXT": "Round Metal 0RB3447 001",
          "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Material: crystal green; 
           Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: arista; Size: 50; Color: 001"
        "source": {
          "type": "external_search",
          "name": "Product Data Search API"
        "intent": {
            "type": "External",
            "score": 0.984574
        "type": "answer",
        "message": "Aviator Large Metal 0RB3025 w3277",
        "options": null,
        "parameters": {
          "contents": {
            "title": "Aviator Large Metal 0RB3025 w3277",
            "attributes": {
              "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": [
                "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Color: crystal grey mirror; 
                 Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: silver; Size: 58; Color: w3277"
        "flags": [],
        "attributes": {
          "ANSWER_TEXT": "Aviator Large Metal 0RB3025 w3277",
          "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Color: crystal grey mirror; 
           Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: silver; Size: 58; Color: w3277"
        "source": {
          "type": "external_search",
          "name": "Product Data Search API"
        "intent": {
            "type": "External",
            "score": 0.42326

Default: unset

Returns a new attribute with the following schema:

  • type: this is the Intent Base source type. Possible values are KB, AIML and External
  • score:  float from 0 to 2 that represents the accuracy of the intent.

The bot returns this attribute in the following cases:

  • When an intent starts
  • When the engine returns multiple internal results. In this case, you can find the parameter within the options attribute (see options above).
  • When the engine returns multiple external results. In this case, you can find the parameter within the subAnswers attribute.

The attribute always returns the type. It only returns the score when the bot returns the intent after a semantic search. This means that if the user clicks on the result instead of typing their choice, no score is returned.


Default: null

Returns a string with the search log id. The logId can be used to add tracking events to a user search, meaning to track external Content Management System contents.

"logId": "141,123456929053505347"


Code samples

    "type": "answer",
    "message": "Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?",
    "messageList": [
        "Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?"
    "options": null,
    "parameters": null,
    "flags": [],
    "attributes": null,
    "source": {
        "type": "chat",
        "name": "Chat"
    "logId": "141,123456929053505347"
    "type": "polarQuestion",
    "message": "Do you want to know more information about musical instruments baggage?",
    "messageList": [
        "Do you want to know more information about musical instruments baggage?"
    "options": [
            "value": "yes",
            "label": "Yes"
            "value": "no",
            "label": "No"
    "parameters": null,
    "flags": [],
    "attributes": {
        "CHECK_QUESTION": "Are you looking for information about musical instruments baggage?",
        "ANSWER_TEXT": "<p>\n\tMusical instruments which weigh more than 70 lbs may only be taken on ACME Airlines flights after registration and approval.\n</p>",
           "Check-in a double bass",
           "Check-in a guitar",
           "Check-in a drum set"
        "title": "Oversized baggage: musical instruments",
        "inbMainTitle": "Oversized baggage: musical instruments"
    "source": {
        "type": "chat",
        "name": "Chat"
    "logId": null
multipleChoiceQuestion (from a dialog)
    "type": "multipleChoiceQuestion",
    "message": "Please choose the type of special meal that interests you.",
    "messageList": [
        "Please choose the type of special meal that interests you."
    "options": [
            "value": 4,
            "label": "Vegan",
            "attributes": {
                "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "Vegan meals are available for those customers who exclude from their diets all foods derived from animals, including meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, honey, eggs and dairy products and their by-products.",
                "CHECK_QUESTION": "Are you looking for information regarding our vegan meals?",
                "ANSWER_TEXT": "We supply healthy vegan meals prepared fresh by our chefs.",
                "title": "Vegan meals"
            "value": 5,
            "label": "Nut-free",
            "attributes": {
                "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "While every precaution is taken when preparing nut-free meals, we can not guarantee a nut-free environment. For those traveling with severe allergic reactions, we recommend speaking with the in-flight crew upon boarding.",
                "CHECK_QUESTION": "Are you searching for info regarding nut-free meals?",
                "ANSWER_TEXT": "We supply healthy nut free meals prepared fresh by our chefs.",
                "title": "Nut-free meals"
    "parameters": null,
    "flags": [],
    "attributes": null,
    "source": {
        "type": "chat",
        "name": "Chat"
    "logId": null
multipleChoiceQuestion (from multiple results)
    "type": "multipleChoiceQuestion",
    "message": "There is more than one answer which may help you find the information you need. Please click on the highlighted answers below for more detail:",
    "messageList": [
        "There is more than one answer which may help you find the information you need. Please click on the highlighted answers below for more detail:"
    "options": [
            "value": 4,
            "label": "Buy a car",
            "attributes": {
                "ANSWER_TEXT": "All you need to know about buying a car from dealers and private sellers.",
                "ALTERNATIVE_TITLE": [
                   "Book a car"
                "title": "Buy a car",
                "inbMainTitle": "Buy a car"
            "intent": {
                "type": "KB",
                "score": 0.984574
            "value": 5,
            "label": "All what you need to know before buying a car",
            "attributes": {
                "ANSWER_TEXT": "Buy a car: top ten tips",
                "ALTERNATIVE_TITLE": [
                    "All what you need to know before buying a car",
                    "The ultimate guide to buy a car"
                "title": "All what you need to know before buying a car",
                "inbMainTitle": "Buy a car: top ten tips"
            "intent": {
                "type": "KB",
                "score": 0.872323
    "parameters": null,
    "flags": [],
    "attributes": null,
    "source": {
        "type": "chat",
        "name": "Chat"
    "logId": null
  "type": "extendedContentsAnswer", // This value means that the result comes from another source
  "message": "Click any option:", // Can be empty if the client did not fill the "Initial text" field for the current base
  "messageList": [
    "Click any option:"
  "options": null,
  "parameters": null,
  "flags": [],
  "attributes": null,
  "source": {
      "type": "chat",
      "name": "Chat"
  "subAnswers": [ // If included, the subAnswers array contains the federated results
        "type": "answer",
        "message": "Round Metal 0RB3447 001",
        "options": null,
        "parameters": {
          "contents": {
            "title": "Round Metal 0RB3447 001",
            "attributes": {
              "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": [
                "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Material: crystal green; 
                 Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: arista; Size: 50; Color: 001"
        "flags": [],
        "attributes": {
          "ANSWER_TEXT": "Round Metal 0RB3447 001",
          "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Material: crystal green; 
           Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: arista; Size: 50; Color: 001"
        "source": {
          "type": "external_search",
          "name": "Product Data Search API"
        "type": "answer",
        "message": "Aviator Large Metal 0RB3025 w3277",
        "options": null,
        "parameters": {
          "contents": {
            "title": "Aviator Large Metal 0RB3025 w3277",
            "attributes": {
              "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": [
                "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Color: crystal grey mirror; 
                 Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: silver; Size: 58; Color: w3277"
        "flags": [],
        "attributes": {
          "ANSWER_TEXT": "Aviator Large Metal 0RB3025 w3277",
          "SIDEBUBBLE_TEXT": "Lens Material: Crystal Standard; Lens Color: crystal grey mirror; 
           Frame Material: metal; Frame Color: silver; Size: 58; Color: w3277"
        "source": {
          "type": "external_search",
          "name": "Product Data Search API"
  "parameters": null,
  "flags": [],
  "attributes": null,
  "source": {
    "type": "chat",
    "name": "chat"
  "logId": null